Floppy Socks Gauze and a Hoedown | Fredericksburg TX

With a freezer full of beef and a full tank of gas, we were set to work our way onward towards El Paso then onto New Mexico. The night before we left, however; we got the notion to visit the town of Fredericksburg for an evening. The recommendation came from a gentleman at a […]
Jambalaya | Our Trailer is Not Long Enough for Louisiana

Initially we planned to stay near New Orleans, possibly Baton Rouge; but ultimately we just opted to get through Louisiana to add a few more working days to our next stop after Louisiana. We were looking for an overnight stay and found a great location called Hidden Oaks Family Campground. At first glance the location, […]
Punish the Deed Not the Breed | Mississippi Overnight

We knew heading out into this journey that travelling with a pitbull was going to give us some hiccups. We have joined a few travel clubs in order to get discounts on camping fees, etc. What seems to be the best discount club out there is the Passport America club. It has a low […]