
KOA Enfield NC and RAIN

Pulling into Maryland yesterday in the rain was a bit of a pain in the neck.  Our windshield wipers have had it, and the periods of downpouring slowed traffic down quite a bit.  Setting up the RV while wearing a full rain suit is not my favorite thing to do also.  As I was so looking forward to the drive to North Carolina.  Perhaps foolishly believing that the rain had to stop by the time we got there right????


No such luck with the rain, but the girls were in good spirits despite the gloomy weather.  Roadschooling continued.   The girls are loving their new lap desks that Jen found on Amazon.

I got a good scare in by yelling at the girls about the truck driving the wrong way on the highway!  lol  they didn’t really fall for it.


One of the best things about bringing your own bathroom with you wherever you go;  is you can pull over anywhere for a “rest stop”.  And a snack break…


Our site at the KOA looked as if nobody was going to be there, but we later learned that it would fill up with transient overnighters on their way to the South.  Again only a partial hookup needed so we were set up quickly and able to hook up in 15 when we were ready to leave.  2015-12-05_0010

Cole thoroughly enjoyed the fenced in dog park at the campground.  Hopefully we encounter more of these in our travels. 2015-12-05_0011Next stop, our first Thousand Trails campground in South Carolina… The Oaks at Point South