Our Terrifying First Boondocking Experience | Buckey Hills Arizona

Our first boondocking experience was anything but terrifying, now that we get to look back at it and smile. In fact, it was a pleasant surprise despite our biggest fears, but we had to claw our way to that feeling of comfort, one cactus at a time. When we set out to explore the US […]
Boondocking Near Joshua Tree National Park

So after our Yeah, you should fit. The Cul De Sac of Hell. experience (click the title to read that post), we were scrambling to find a new location to set up camp for the next few days. All we had to do now was travel outside Joshua Tree National Park, to get some cell […]
Our 1st Boondocking Experience | 360 deg Photos | Dr Shayla

For the past year, I’ve been prepping myself with information on what it takes to sustain camping in an unplugged, self sufficient location. Everyplace we’ve camped to this point has been at paid campgrounds with full facilities and hookups. With Arizona’s plethora of free BLM land, we knew we wanted to at least try boondocking […]