Well they say it is a place where dreams come true. Our trip to the Magic Kingdom was nothing short of that. We only spent one and a half days there but they couldn’t have been any more perfect. We planned and planned, and honestly our biggest challenge was what to do with Shayla’s food. More on that later.
After weeks of anticipation the morning had arrived to be ready for the Magic Kingdom. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the girls this genuinely excited and focused on the trip ahead of us. Jen bought each of them special frames that they can put their favorite photo inside after the journey.
Our campground at was only 27 minutes away so our trip in was quite painless and simple. We stopped off at “Best Friends Pet Care”
For $35 we were able to let Cole stay there all day and play/sleep until we got him at 11pm. He doesn’t really love these types of places but it was so nice to have the option to bring him and not need to find a solution for him in the RV for 14 hours.
Shayla anticipating the Tram arrival. The wonder in her eyes just kills me.
At this point I think they would have been happy just riding the Tram. Mickey and Minnie were finishing up a morning greeting and waved at us. Look at Shayla’s face…
First on our agenda was fan favorite on Ariel’s ride. We FastPassed this ride for sure. This is the girl’s first encounter with one of their “idols”
Leighton was clearly speechless and possibly wondering what was real and what was animatronics; while Shayla was, well…..
After the perpetual smile took hold of Shayla’s face, Leighton began to enjoy the time a little more. We stood in line for and hour for something the girls never expected . A meeting and interactive experience with Belle… another legend in the Braga house.
It is a little hard to see but you can see their faces in the mirror, (mine as well with the camera) They have NO idea what to expect.
Shayla and Leighton are SO intrigued by Madame Armoire. All I could do was watch their faces during all this… another character they’ve never seen in person; coming to life.
True to most all of our journey’s I was “destined” to find someone I knew wherever we went. Our recent bride Brianna was there with her mother for her birthday. You had to see my face when I heard…”Jerome!” lol So great so see you that day! Happy Birthday!!!!
One of the many center stage performances that happened that day. We had a good vantage point for the show even as we arrived to this one late. The girls again were mesmerized at the sight of Snow White, Cinderella.
During the street parade… we ran to see one of Leighton & Shayla’s “older” favorites “Jessie”. They were able to break it down for a few songs with them right on the street, but surprisingly they were both so incredibly timid.
Although SUPER excited to see Jessie, she was SO timid. It was beyond cute. No trip to the Magic Kingdom would be complete without the outdated, slightly irritating “Small World” This song still haunts me in my sleep.
Back to the topic of Food. For lunch we brought with us two packages of frozen sandwich meat which we ate as turkey and ham rolls. This is a common lunch staple for us. It is wheat free, dairy free so it is an easy grab and go. Take it with us frozen and by the time we get to our location, it is thawed and still cold. We also brought some home made popcorn in sandwich bags. And bottled water. Remember there isn’t anything we could really buy at Disney World that would be prepared for us which Shayla could eat so we opted to bring our own EVERYTHING. At a street vendor cart, near Gaston’s Pub; we did find an assortment of Enjoy Life chocolate bars. Bravo Disney! Dream coming true step one. Also we paused for a mid afternoon snack with Sabra hummus, and packaged Pickles. All Shayla Safe. 🙂 Thank you again Disney for giving us these options! We aren’t big snackers so this was more than enough to help us make it until our dinner reservation at 6:30
Now that we were refreshed we headed to Peter Pan’s ride as our FastPass #2 of 3. It got stuck however and we were in it for about 5 minutes without movement. Meh. #notimpressed but the girls enjoyed it.
By far the most talked about ride of the whole trip was the Seven Dwarfs’ Mine Train. They LOVED it. As you can tell by the Disney Photo Pass Pictures.
This picture pretty much sums it up for us.
So after all the waiting of the hour and a half for the Mine train line and the 30 minutes of the Go Carts (which THEY got to “drive”) we told the girls we had a surprise. They didn’t know about the next FastPass experience. Fast Pass #3 of 3 was a meet and great with their all time favorite princess Rapunzel followed by their number two favorite Cinderella. Glad we fast passed this one because the line was 70 minutes long and growing and we walked right into the private room for the meet and greet.
The girls were truly in heaven. Although Cinderella was perfectly in character and not too funny or interactive, Rapunzel stole the show with her joking and comedy, as well as her compliments of the girls. They fell in love with her even more.
I’m not sure if this is normal but I think Rapunzel spent nearly 5 minutes with the girls in a one on one greeting. They had smiles from ear to ear. Next up was… DINNER.
Ugh… This was one of the toughest things to go through as an allergy parent. We went back and forth about whether to or not to give the restaurant a try at making safe food for Shayla. We said yes, then NO WAY, then maybe, then No, then yes….. for weeks we deliberated this choice. My only argument for the experience was that if ANY company can pull it off ; Disney can. They have SO much to lose by having bad press and SO much to gain by being the place where Dreams can come true.